XpressO MoCA
MoCA Cognition


Recrutement d'essais cliniques pour la maladie d'Alzheimer
Les essais sur la maladie d'Alzheimer répertoriés proviennent de clinicaltrials.gov
Nabilone for Agitation Blinded Intervention Trial
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) for Agitation in Dementia (AD)
Longitudinal Imaging of Microglial Activation in Different Clinical Variants of Alzheimer's Disease
BRain Energy Activation With Ketones to Prevent Alzheimer's Disease
Study to Assess the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of AVP-786 for the Treatment of Agitation in Patients With Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type
AHEAD 3-45 Study: A Study to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of Treatment With Lecanemab in Participants With Preclinical Alzheimer's Disease and Elevated Amyloid and Also in Participants With Early Preclinical Alzheimer's Disease and Intermediate Amyloid
UAB Alzheimer's Disease Center Core Cohort - Tau Imaging Substudy
Assessment of the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of AVP-786 for the Treatment of Agitation in Patients With Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type
Individualized Brain Stimulation to Improve Mobility in Alzheimer's Disease
Optimizing Cognitive, Environmental, and Neuromotor Stimulation in Traumatic Brain Injury
Partnered Rhythmic Rehabilitation in Prodromal Alzheimer's Disease
Therapeutic Diets in Alzheimer's Disease
ENhancing Outcomes in Cognitive Impairment Through Use of Home Sleep ApNea Testing
Targeting Brain Physiology to Treat Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Dementia Using TMS-EEG and tDCS
Biomarker Predictors of Memantine Sensitivity in Patients With Alzheimer's Disease
ExAblate Blood-Brain Barrier Opening for Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease
Assessing the Effectiveness of an Approach for Vocal Behaviors in Older People Living in Nursing Homes
Using Exercise and Electrical Brain Stimulation to Improve Memory in Dementia
The Sleep Amyloid, Slow WAve Race and Ethnicity Study
Deep TMS for Comorbid Depression and Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults
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