XpressO MoCA
MoCA Cognition

About XpressO

For peace of mind and guidance

XpressO is a simple-to-use app that quickly tests memory and brain performance. It was conceived by neurologist, Dr. Ziad Nasreddine, who created the renowned “MoCA Test.”

The MoCA Test is a medical screening tool used by health professionals worldwide for early detection of mild cognitive impairment or MCI. The XpressO, on the other hand, was specifically designed to empower the general public to easily test themselves at home on their own device.

Concerned about yourself or a loved-one?

If you or someone close has been seeming a little forgetful or confused lately, an XpressO test can be a first step to address that concern.

XpressO can be used in the privacy of your home and performed on any device. In just a few minutes, anyone can test their memory and thinking performance using XpressO’s simple drag-and-drop tasks.

Once all XpressO tasks have been completed, a score based on speed and accuracy will appear in a simple report that demonstrates whether performance falls within the expected range. The XpressO test and report can be helpful tools for an informed discussion with a healthcare provider.

Who can use it?

Anyone with a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer can use XpressO. It was tested and demonstrated to be an easy-to-use and accurate self-test for adults—even for those aged 90 years or older.

XpressO was designed so that individuals can complete the test regardless of their level of education or comfort with technology.

How does it work?

  1. Easily sign up here
  2. Complete an XpressO test on the web-browser page, or download the XpressO by MoCA mobile app
  3. Review your score on the XpressO report, once the test has been completed
  4. If required, share the XpressO report with your healthcare provider to learn more about your cognitive performance and brain health.
XpressO MoCA XpressO MoCA
Download xpresso
Download the app from both Apple App Store and Google Play Store and test your memory
Download XpressO from Apple App Store
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